
If Slavery is a "Choice"....

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Saying that years of slavery was a choice, is like saying:

1. Racism is a myth and never existed. Racism is fake news.
2. Rape is consensual and not a crime because it takes two to mingle.
3. Noose is a beautiful necklace that black people need to be grateful for.
4. "Black slaves" were actually White folks who choose to use black paint on their skin.
5. The Klans, like Fred Trump, who was proud to be one, have the KKK initials because of their super kindness (kind-kinder-kindest) to black people.
6. President Trump's nick name is "Honest Trump" because he his the most truthful president we've ever known.
7. Kanye West's foolish view of slavery being a "choice" is a fact because all the black kids that were molested during slavery were all happy to have their innocence taken away from them. Separation of those black families was a beautiful thing that they choose to endure. All those that were killed while trying to escape truly enjoyed being beaten and treated like piece of crap. 

Of course I'm being sarcastic with the list above but also truthful. Why would someone be killed for trying to escape if they had that freedom to choose, like self proclaimed "genius" Kanye West said? He said that black slaves could have escaped if they wanted to. Oh, I forgot he's trying to get on Trump's good side. Just when you think our stupidity as a society already hit the very low of lows, then you get hit with a statement like this from someone who calls himself a "genius." We need prayers. Not all white folks are racists and not all black folks are innocent when it comes to racial discrimination. Sadly, some blacks are racists against some blacks. Have you ever heard of light skin vs. dark skin? Whites, brown or blacks can all be racist towards one another because racism is a state of mind that results in actions like distrust, disrespect, disassociation, dislike, disengaged relationship; or treatment of others as less important because they don't look like our skin color. This in turn creates an ungodly tribalism that prevents people, including Christians from working together for a common goal. Some racists are worse than others just like "first degree murder" is different from "manslaughter" but it's all wrong and still murder.
Abraham Inetianbor
I know some US-born African-Americans who think like Kanye and dislike non-US born African Americans. I met some of these folks in college and they have gone as far as use the word "hate" when referring to African-Americans that were not born in the USA. Some of these African Americans that were born in the USA use words like traitors to describe the others. The African immigrants are accused of selling their ancestors to slavery while also being described as "job takers" for seeking employment in the US. The sad part is the ignorance of those US-born African Americans (some) who are spreading hate because they fail to realize that a lot of those African slaves were forcefully taken away from their kids, wives, and families. Most of these African immigrants today are the descendants of those slaves that had to suffer the pain of loosing a loved one to slavery and in some cases murder. Their ancestors became most of your ancestors and built the foundations of this country.

Abraham Inetianbor
It's time to stop fighting foolishly and start finding more of what people have in common. I've noticed that some of the people who look down on others based on the color of their skin, do not believe they are racist; including the current president Trump who once suggested during an argument with my former boss (Jewish) - something to the effect of keep the good one's for "odd jobs" and "ship the rest of them back" as he jokingly referred to Africa. Yes, I understand he was raised with such mentality but this is no excuse for people not to learn, and grow up. "In time of ignorance, God overlooked..." - Acts 17:30-31. Sometimes you just have to call a spade a spade and stop dancing around. Anyone who claims to love people regardless of their background, yet consciously or unconsciously treat people as inferior or less important based on the color of their skin, is simply a racist and there's no other way to slice it. God did not create anyone to be inferior based on the color of their skin.

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