A devastating news hits you. You feel numb and yet, the pain is real. Nothing but frustration and anger. Tears running down your cheeks without blinking or saying a word. All kinds of emotions strike from the past to the present. The "why me" - "WHY NOW" and "what did I do to deserve this" grows louder and louder but still in silence. Your sight becomes fuzzy and your thinking gets cloudy. All you can think about is taking the place of someone that you don't want to see in pain. And just when you think you eyes are getting dry or dehydrated, the replay of the event in your head continues to hit hard and make your face look like a wall of a never ending waterfall. Then you quickly realize that there is a book of comfort that has carried you through all the dark times. Soon enough, 2 Corinthians 12:9 pops in your head - "...My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness..."
"I think the book just made me more angry" - I said to myself. I wanted the manifestation of that power right there and then; not later not tomorrow. Then I realized that someone as great as Apostle Paul didn't get that divine power of intervention to take away his thorn right when he wanted, so who I'm I to make the do it "right now" demands to the almighty God. Saying that the last 24 hrs felt like an eternity of pain is an understatement. We've all been there and felt like the clouds are turning dark. As I often say, the pain that seems so unbearable right now, will one day look like a "warm up" to you especially when you come across the same situation again. But just when you thought you've seen pain in its rawest form before, life throws you a curve ball to remind you that the battle is never over until it is over. The available choices become clear, you can either choose to fight or just fold.
Going through the difficult times in life should make us better, not bitter. Both physical and emotional pain is expected to hurt. The hurt should change us for the better. If it doesn't change you, it will hurt more. If everything in life is going exactly as planned without bumps on the road, beware, because you may be heading for the edge of a dangerous cliff. Every situation in life is meant to change for good or for bad because no condition is permanent. It's Okay to be concerned but don't let your concern turn into uncontrollable worries. There is never a bad time to pray, however, when you start to worry and feel like the cloud is turning dark, it is definitely time to pray and cast all your burdens on Jesus. He cares and He will make your day brighter.
An obstacle is meant to slow you down but it will stop you from reaching your goal if you let it. The devil, people and things can be IN your way but they are NOT your way. You see them as obstacles and you find your way around obstacles. Moving forward doesn't mean you will not have other set backs before getting to your goal. Your journey may require a detour or be obstructed by things like a red light, which requires you to hit the breaks. However, a SET BACK is not an excuse to STAY BACK. Take the opportunity to re-focus and stay alert for the next "green light" or find an alternate route to your ultimate destination. Life is like a vapor; here today and gone tomorrow. Sometimes you feel like no one feels your pain - but God does. He lost His one and only son too. The only thing that will permanently take pain away is resurrection unto glory. And the right time to plan for this glorification at the Lord's return is to have peace in Christ right now with oxygen still available to you. Do not stop climbing and PRESSING ON to HIGHER GROUNDS because the BEST view is usually from the top of the mountain.